Treating Leg Ulcers

Treating Leg Ulcers

A leg ulcer is a severe sore that takes more than two weeks to heal. They typically appear on the inside of the thigh, just above the ankle. A venous leg ulcer causes pain, itching, and swelling in the affected leg. There may also be discolored or toughened skin around the ulcer, as well as a foul-smelling release from the sore. If you suspect you have a leg ulcer, see your doctor right away because it will require specialized treatment to heal. our doctor will examine your leg or may order routine tests to rule out other possible causes.

The most familiar example of a leg ulcer is a venous leg ulcer, which accounts for more than 90% of all instances. Venous leg ulcers can form as a result of a minor injury in which the skin is damaged by insistently atmospheric pressure in the ventricles of the legs. When treated by a healthcare provider who is trained in compression therapy for leg ulcers, most venous leg ulcers heal in under 3 to 4 months. However, some ulcers may take longer to heal, and a very small percentage will never recover.

Typically, treatment entails, Wiping and dressing the wound with compression (bandages or stockings) to improve circulation in the legs. 

You can contact or Urban Aesthetic Clinic for any such query, as we aim to provide supreme medical professionals, with ensuring a high-quality service to our patients.

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