Breast Fat Transfer

Breast Fat Transfer

Breast fat transmission is the procedure of transferring excess fat from another part of the body and implanting it in the mammary glands to make them appear fuller and more pleasant.

Women with slight breasts may choose this procedure to enhance their appearance. The methodology can assist in enhancing breast size without the use of implants. Lumpy or least developed breasts caused by genetic problems such as Poland Syndrome and tuberous breast can advantage from this reparative technique as well, as it can help enhance upper pole wholeness. A female must be in great health and have plenty of fat in other areas that can be used for breast augmentation before undergoing breast fat transmission.

A single fat transfer can increase breast size by approximately one-half cup size. To know the requirements, recognize that a 32 chest will require 200 to 250cc of fat, whereas a 34 chest may require 300 to 400 cc of fat. Breast enhancement via fat transmission is a popular procedure among females due to the numerous advantages it provides. Customizing two or more body regions at the same time can be a very beneficial process because two steps can be finished within one surgery. A breast fat transfer may appear more natural than an implant, and there will be no risk of implant rupture or other complications.

Before a breast augmentation surgical procedure, a Practitioner may recommend a tissue expansion framework to a patient for the surgery to generate desired outcomes. Eventually, touch-up treatments may be required to maintain the enhanced breast shape.

You can contact or Urban Aesthetic Clinic for any such query, as we aim to provide supreme medical professionals, with ensuring a high-quality service to our patients.

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