What is Projection Puffy Nipple and How Can It Be Treated?

What are puffy nipples?

When the nipples or areolas produce a puffy nipple mound distant from the typical curve of the chest, this is known as puffy nipples. Puffed nipples can affect both men and women, but it is more frequent in men. It's most common in adolescent girls going through puberty, as this is a critical period for breast development.

Nipple reduction surgery can simply repair a puffy nipple.

What creates puffy nipples in the first place?

Genetics and hormonal changes, such as those experienced during puberty, pregnancy, or even at specific times of the menstrual cycle for women, are frequently responsible for puffy nipples.

Diet, drugs, and steroid use can all have an impact on whether or not a person develops puffy nipples. Excess body fat, low testosterone levels, or gynecomastia, a hormonal imbalance, can cause swollen nipples in men.

Diet and exercise, as well as ceasing the use of certain drugs, can help to alleviate many of the symptoms of a 'puffy nipple.' However, in many situations, the symptoms of a 'puffy nipple' can only be alleviated by undergoing puffy nipple reduction surgery.

Is it possible to get rid of bloated nipples?

Fixing puffy nipples is possible, but it is dependent on the cause.

If they are caused by being overweight or obese, the best method to treat them is to lose weight through exercise and a balanced diet. This strategy can take a long time to work, and it requires a person to remain consistent in order to attain the desired results. Exercises that target the chest include push-ups, overhead presses, and dips. Swimming can also help tone up pectoral muscles, lessen the appearance of puffy nipples, and eliminate chest fat.

If puffy nipples are caused by a hormonal imbalance, medication may assist. If diet, exercise, or medicine fail to produce the desired effects, nipple reduction surgery at the Urban Skin Clinic can help to assure speedy and successful results.

Nipple reduction surgery entails the removal of a strip of skin around the nipple's neck, which is then closed and sutured, lowering the nipple's height by forcing a piece of it back into the breast tissue.

Our professional surgeons are able to preserve sensation while performing nipple reduction surgery, with the goal of restoring a more balanced, appealing chest appearance.

How can we help?

Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry. Our doctors will receive or return calls.